Case Studies

Case Studies

Jolin, at the age of 36, secured professional mentoring for her novel. With the deadline of her manuscript submission rapidly approaching, Jolin reached out for support. She was experiencing writer’s block and had only 30,000 words to submit. She was highly anxious and worried she would be unable to complete her draft. Throughout our time together we focussed on ways to increase her creative flow and creating time in her busy life for her creative practice.

“I overcame my writer’s block, increased my creative productivity and doubled the amount of time I spent writing as a result of my sessions with Dominique. My writing wordcount increased each week and I completed my manuscript by the end of our sessions. The sessions were so successful I went back to Dominique to keep me on track during the editing process. My writing confidence has improved enormously, and I now have a range of tools to increase my creative flow.”

Sita, is a CEO in her late 40's, running a small charity working with deprived families. Overwhelmed and overworked, she feared she would need to leave a job she loved as she no longer had the energy and drive to do her work. Over five months we worked  on her ability to delegate, building leadership skills in her team and her own self-care. By the end of our sessions she had renewed energy and restored commitment to her job.

“This series of coaching sessions has been invaluable to me over the last couple of months. it has helped me to reflect, refocus and look at ways to move forward, where previously I was ready to just give up. Thank you.”

Maria is an artist in her sixties with a chronic long term health condition. Her paintings have been exhibited in regional and national galleries, international art fairs and she has won prizes for her work. She came to me because she wanted to explore new possibilities with her art and was uncertain where to focus her energies. She was worried her cataract operations and further medical complications would mean painting would be impossible. During her sessions we explored what inspired her, how to encourage her creativity, and reframed her belief that she would have to stop creating during her rehabilitation. By the end of her sessions she had experimented with new methods and created a whole new collection of work. 

I thought my operation would stall my artwork, instead, through working with Dominique, I realised it was an opportunity to make art in a different way. I now have found new ways of working and have a whole new collection of paintings!”  

Jenni is an arts consultant in her 50s. She runs an arts organisation, supports artists to write Arts Council applications and designs and produces international arts projects. She felt overwhelmed by work and personal commitments (she has three children and cares for an elderly parent) and wanted more time for her own personal development. Over five sessions we explored her inability to say no, identified her top priorities and created an action plan to create a better work/life balance. By the end of the sessions she said, 

I can now say no to work that distracts from my main goals, ensuring I have the energy to deliver the projects I’m really passionate about. I’ve also created more time for family and have finally, after years of wanting to, written an application to do a PhD.

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